Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Contender or Pretender in World Missions

Did you know that for all time, as recorded in the Bible, that God has had ONE Mission!?

That mission is for  "All nations who You have made shall come and worship before You, O Lord, and they shall glorify Your name." Ps 86:9 

That mission is for "[A]ll the nations [to] come and worship before You." Rev 15:4 

That mission is for "My name [to] be great among the nations." Mal 1:11

That mission is for "[T]he nations [to] know that I am the Lord." Ez 36:23

That mission is for "[M]any peoples and mighty nations [to] come to seek the Lord of hosts." Zec 8:20

That mission is that God's "way may be know on the earth" and His "salvation is known among the nations" so that "the nations can be glad and sing for joy" and so that "all the ends of the earth may fear Him." Ps 67:1-4, 7

That mission is that God is gathering for himself a holy people, one from every tribe, tongue and nation...who will praise and worship him forever! 
"After this I looked, and there before me was a great multitude that no one could count, from every nation, tribe, people and language, standing before the throne and before the Lamb. They were wearing white robes and were holding palm branches in their hands." Rev 7:9 

"[Y]ou were slain, and with your blood you purchased for God persons from every tribe and language and people and nation." Rev 5:9 

Did you know that this mission has been given to the Church? To EVERY believer? 

"Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.” Matt 28:19-20 

"We are therefore Christ’s ambassadors, as though God were making his appeal through us. We implore you on Christ’s behalf: Be reconciled to God." 2 Cor 5:20

But there is a big problem! 

Even after 7,000 years of history and 2,000 years since the Deliverer over 2.4 Billion people worldwide do not have access to this message, that God wants them, loves them and has purchased them. There is only 1 Missionary per 1 Million unreached people in the world today!!
There are 6,686 ‘Southern Baptist’ Christians in the United States of American PER unreached people group in the World! (16million Christians for 2393 languages)
That number is SHAMEFUL! We should be DISGRACED at our lack of obedience to God and concern for the lost!
At the end of time, when a "great multitude that no one could count, from every nation, tribe, people and language," are "standing before the throne and before the Lamb" in Heaven, and God ushers in his Kingdom Reign and a massive celebration...ARE WE going to be able to celebrate in that moment, because WE had something to do with the fact that God's mission was accomplished?!?! 
 Just imagine for a second what that will be like when God says "Enter into the eternal worship of all the nations. You, however, had nothing to do with putting it together. In fact, as I recall, you never even shared your faith with those around you. Fortunately for the world, there were other who did--they made their lives count. This is their victory, enjoy the party anyway...poser."
Do you want to be the Quarterback on the Superbowl winning team or the water boy? Do you want to be Emmitt Smith or Thurman Thomas? Do you want to be Albert Pujols or Bill Buckner? 
The fans cheering on the real players in the contest, battling for the goal, never get to lift the trophy. They may feel like they had a role in winning the championship...but they didn't. 
Are you a contender in God's cause for his glory among every tribe, tongue and nation, or are you a pretender? 
Are you disobedient, or obedient?  

Thursday, November 17, 2011

10 Ways to be Missional Right Where You ARE!

1. Each time you go to your bank, make personal conversations with the tellers and get to know them! Once every 4-5 months bring them in some donuts. You’ll be amazed at how well that will go over! 

2. Join and be a regular at your local gym and go at routine times…more than likely you will see the same faces at the same time of day. Intentionally bike next to someone, start a conversation. Befriend the staff. (Keep it to the same-sex, gyms are dangerous places). 

3. Take a regular stroll at your local park. More than likely you will see families with small kids, other people walking their dog. Immediately you have a common bond…you both change diapers, you both scoop up poop after your dog. :p 

4. Students: Actually attend your school’s Bible Club and turn it into an exciting thing to attend. Study something that is relevant to EVERYONE, not just maturing believers. Be real, open and honest. Be welcoming, be overly nice to new comers. Get a leader/teacher who is enthusiastic, energetic, who loves people and can accurately and effectively teach the Bible. 

5. At Christmas time, or New Years, Easter, Halloween get a small gift for your neighbors, and hand deliver them. Tell them how much you appreciate them, or wish you saw them more. When mowing your lawn, mow your neighbors occasionally out of the blue. When shoveling your snow, shovel your neighbors occasionally as well. Find out and remember your neighbor’s anniversary, birthdays, kids birthdays and do something small on those days for them. 

6. Start attending the local High School sporting events. Ask the families around you who there child is (what number etc), compliment them about their child during a good play. 

7. Check your areas Craigslist for community service needs…and then organize a small group of people from your Church, or sign up your small group to go and assist at the public service need. You can also ask the neighbors on their block if they need specific yard work done etc. and rally your small group/Church to help them. 

8. Frequent the same restaurants. Get to know the staff and servers. Ask a local restaurant owner how you could bless their employees. Be extra generous at Christmas time etc. Ask personal questions about family, jobs, education, interests. Run through open doors with follow up questions when a person admits a struggle, a hurt, pain, or shows excitement about something. 
9. Frequent the same gas station and make an effort to get to know the workers there. Stop a little longer for your Coffee fill up and make a conversation with the cashier or other employees. If your car is like mine, you are at the mechanics all the time for oil changes, tune ups, new brakes, new this and that….get to know your mechanic. Build a relationship with them. These people are starving for relationships, they are under a car all day, covered in oil! It isn’t easy for them. Expect them to be pretty gruff and unsocial. But it is worth it! 
10. Watch sporting events at the same local sports bar/restaurant in your city. You’d be shocked at how many people go out to watch the big sporting events, and/or local sports teams on TV. There is an Official Steelers Sports Bar in almost every major city. You show up every week with a Terrible Towel and you’re instantly friends with 200 people. 

When the friendships have grown in these sphere’s of influence, because of your loving, intentional efforts. Begin to take the friendships to the next level…that is, move them from casual to more personal. Rather than inviting a person to Church, where they will feel awkward, unwelcome, out of place…consider starting a small group just for them and inviting them. Build the group around where they are at in life. Give them a book that is a clear walk through of the Bible, such as ‘The Stranger on the Road to Emmaus.’

Friday, November 4, 2011

Top 10 ways to Add Value to Others

1.Ask how someone important to the other person is doing. It
could be a child, a spouse, a family member, even a family pet.
The most sincere way that you can verbally care about someone else is by caring about
who they care about! Doesn't that make sense? When you see someone who has
children it is always a great conversation starter to ask , "How are those wonderful kids
doing?" If you know that someone's dad recently had surgery, go ahead and ask how
the recovery is coming along. 

2. Ask specifically: "Is there anything I can do for you?"You communicate how much you value someone by simply asking the question.
Sometimes it's nice to do something for another person without them asking or
surprising them. But if you're not a good guesser and you don't have psychic abilities,
just ask. Do you need with anything? What I can do to help you? What can I do to help alleviate that in your life?  

3. Spend time with people. Often we communicate a person's
value to us simply because we like hanging out with them, with no agenda.

Time is a precious commodity and a valuable resource. How can you spend this
resource effectively on others? Being the person that someone just
wants to hang out with is an amazing feeling...our free time is truly the only thing that
most of us have to give to another person, and it is the most precious gift of all. Who
do you show their value to by "just hanging out" with them? Who do you need to spend more time with?

4. Remember people’s names.
This is a big deal when dealing with people in ministry, in business, in life. People are very attached to their
name! Nothing makes a person feel valued more than knowing they made enough of
an impression on you for you to remember their name! It helps in the dating world too!

5. Remember people's birthdays, anniversaries, and special
occasions. Send them a note on those dates to let them know you
are sharing in their celebration.

It doesn't matter if a person is 4 or 40, everyone likes to be acknowledged for being
born! If you can make a note in your records of someone's birthday and remember to
send a card or make a surprise phone call on their special day you will surely make
them feel valued! Same goes for life events such as anniversaries and promotions!

6. Strive to be the first to help a person whom you know in need.
Sometimes we can be at the right place, at the right time, for someone who needs our
assistance! You know when those moments happen and you act on them, most of the
time! Keep your eyes and heart open for ways to be helpful in your family and your ministry and

7. When someone asks for your help or assistance with
something, always do a little bit extra. It is the extra that turns
ordinary into extraordinary.
This is called “going the extra mile.” It means we have the opportunity to do
more than is expected of us. It is the “and then some” mindset. Someone asks you to
help them clean their backyard, so you help them clean their backyard and then
some.Someone asks for you to help for 10 mins, you help for 30mins. 
Zig Ziglar said that there “isn ’t much traffic on the extra mile” – not very
many travel there. This is why it shows people how much you value them when you
make the extra effort for them.

8. Send handwritten notes as often as possible. Writing a note
out by hand expresses more of a personal touch and a greater
investment of time.

I keep thank you notes and other small cards in office, in my bedroom, in my kitchen,
this way I can always conveniently jot a note to a special friend! Try to make a habit of
making someone aware of their value to you by personally writing a thank you for
anything they have done for you, been for you etc.
Nothing beats a sincere and physical thank you for making a positive impression.
Email/online thank you messages just don’t have the impact, the weight, of an actual
card or letter. 

9. Offer the unexpected, anonymous gift. Bring coffee to your coworkers. Arrive to work early and leave a small gift on someone's office chair. Leave a gift card on someone's windshield.
I love this is amazing how something as small as cookies, a pie, a book, a magazine etc. will light up 
someone's face. Talk about adding value to their life. You can give things that really can add value, like my personal favorite, a BOOK! 

10. Find out what kinds of hobbies people have, topics they are interest in and send them ideas, brochures, or fliers on that subject. Send them a book that recently blew you away!
If you read an article, a blog, a book etc that really taught you a lot, SEND IT ON TO THEM. Get it for them. Add value by giving them more information, a training experience, more knowledge. If you just recommend the book, the article etc. the odds are about 1-999 that they will go get it on their own. 
When you read a good book, think about who else would benefit from it and invite them to borrow it or purchase a copy for them. Make sure you refer people to books that you've actually read.

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

5 Tips for Sharing the Gospel/Witnessing + Do's/Don'ts

1) Pray for it- Always remember it is God who draws people to Himself (John 6:44, 1 Cor 3:7) and we are simply responsible for sharing the Message (2 Cor 5:20). You should create a list of friends as a reminder for you to pray for and pray for them constantly. It can become a neat list of accountability as well, to see if you have shared anything about Christ with them over time, and what their response was. Pray for them by name. Ask others to pray for them. Ask God to open their heart and mind. 

2) Live it- What is in our control is our actions. As Matthew 5:16 says, “In the same way, let your light shine before men, that they may see your good deeds and praise your Father in heaven.” You may be surprised at the witness that our lives can be--at least for starting the discussion, and giving it validity and 'believability'. The authenticity of our faith lived out in our lives, becomes a gateway for others to see God. In what ways can you improve your daily testimony, being read by those around you? Does your speech reflect God? Do your actions say 'child of God'? How do you treat others? How do you respond in hard situations? 

3) Love them- People don't care how much you know, or what you know, or about the God you claim to know, until they know how much you CARE! Period. Before you can ever hope to speak truth into someone's life, you have to love them. And that love needs to be seen, felt, accepted and believed in a trusting relationship before someone will be truly willing to hear about your beliefs. Examine the list of friends you listed (in Tip 1) and list ways that you can specifically show them more love, care and concern in the coming weeks. It may be spending more time with them one on may be sending them an encouraging email or text or a nice phone call. It may be simply listening more and talking less. Show them that you love them over and over and over.

4) Share it - Sharing seems obvious enough but it is often most challenging because we could be uncomfortable presenting the Gospel in its entirety as suggested in 1 Cor 15:3-4, “that Christ died for our sins according to the Scriptures, that he was buried, that he was raised on the third day according to the Scriptures”. There is a lot of debate on what 'must' be included in a gospel presentation. A true presentation of the gospel includes: God, Law, Gospel. 

God is holy and perfect and He requires holiness and perfection from us.  Holiness is the inability to sin.  It means moral perfection and it is something that God alone possesses.  Holiness is an attribute of God's perfect nature.  Therefore, since there is no one greater than God, and God is the greatest good, God is necessarily the standard of what is good.

The Law is a reflection of the character of God.  The reason it is wrong to lie, cheat, and steal, etc., is because God cannot do these things.  Because He is holy, He is incapable of lying, cheating, etc.  Therefore, the Law becomes the standard of righteousness.  But we are incapable of keeping the Law because we are not holy.  We are sinners.  Once this is said, you must ask the person if he has ever sinned.  You might want to explain that sin is breaking the Law of God.  You ask the person if he has ever lied, cheated, stolen, or been angry unrighteously, etc.  He will answer "yes" to one or all of these, and that is when you tell him that he has broken God's Law and is a sinner.  Furthermore, there is no law that has no punishment.  A law without punishment is a slogan.  The punishment for breaking God's Law is eternal damnation.

The Gospel is the good news that the judgment of God upon the person who has broken God's Law can be removed in the person of Jesus.  This is done because Jesus, who is God the Son in flesh, was able to perfectly live the Law and offer a sacrifice to God the Father.  His sacrifice is the death on the cross, which was the payment for the penalty of breaking the Law of God.  He died there and three days later physically rose from the dead as proof that His words, deeds, and sacrifice were true.  Therefore, if anyone wants to escape the righteous judgment of God, he must receive the sacrifice that Christ made on the cross.  This is done by faith, by asking God, through Jesus, to forgive you of your sins.

Other important truths you need to spell out are: 

1. Man is a sinner, separated from God, helpless to save himself
2. God loves man, and communicates what man must do in order to be saved
3. Man must listen, believe and obey the instruction of God; or destruction is imminent (Flood, 10th Plague) 
4. If Man comes to God, God’s way, he will be saved (Noah-Ark, Israelites-Passover Lamb, Israelites-Bronze Snake) 
5. If Man does not come to God, God’s way, but in any other way, he will be lost (Cain-Fruits)

The debate is over how much of the above you need to give background on. How much history do they need to know about God, or the Law etc. to fully understand it. 

5 ) Connect them to Truth and more Truth- Similarly to #4, we must ensure that whatever we share is the Truth and not compromised. We must be clear about many important truths, such as that we are all sinners (Romans 3:23) for without that understanding we do not need a Savior and that Christ is the only Way (John 14:6). But there is much more truth that is needed to be heard and understood for maturity and growth than can ever be shared in 20mins, or even an hour or a week...and they NEED to be connected to this truth. 
This book is a great tool to connect them to the truth they need in an easy, understandable way:


Do keep things simple. 
Do share your salvation experience with them. 
Do know what you believe. 
Do have a genuine love. 
Do be simple and define your terms. 
Do memorize appropriate Scriptures if possible. 
Do be patient and gentle.
Do listen attentively. 
Do answer their questions. 
Do ask questions. 
Do let him save face. (Don't attack, or belittle) 
Do bring him, if possible, to a decision about Jesus. 
Do remember that greater is He that is in you than he that is in the world (1 John 4:4).


Don't attack directly or make fun of someone. 
Don't jump from one subject to another. 
Don't expect too much from him/her. 
Don't have a spiritual chip on your shoulder.
Don't lose patience. 
Don't come on too strong. 
Don't debate peripheral issues or doctrines. 
Don't get sidetracked defending your denomination. 
Don't be uptight. 
Don't assume. 
Don't argue. 
Don't speak too fast or unclearly.

Seven Reasons You May Not Ever Accomplish Anything Significant In Life! (You must over come them!)

#1 – Procrastination!  (Remember, procrastination is assassination on the amazing future God has for you – James 1:22!)

#2 – You are allowing your past to identify you rather than Christ to identify you!  (See I Corinthians 6:9-11!)  You are not who you were…you are who you are in Christ (II Corinthians 5:17) and if you don’t let your past die then it won’t let you live.

#3 – You are more obsessed with what others think about you rather than what Christ thinks about you!  (See Colossians 3:2-3, Galatians 1:10)

#4 – You do not understand the fact that God’s Holy Spirit lives inside of you (Ephesians 1:13-14) and has gifted you and is calling you to do something greater than you could ever imagine (Ephesians 2:10, Ephesians 3:20)

#5 – You are afraid (see Isaiah 41:10) – and remember, no one who ever accomplished anything significant for Christ didn’t have to take a significant step of faith (Hebrews 11:6!)

#6 – You believe the lie from hell that says you are an accident when Scripture says that God custom designed you (Psalm 139:13-16) and that you were clearly created on purpose, with a purpose and for a purpose.

#7 – You are obsessed with things that have ZERO significance when it comes to eternity (I John 2:17).

Sunday, October 23, 2011

How Can I Get More Out of My Bible Study? Tips 101

Everyone knows that personal Bible Study is very important...but it is also a constant struggle for all of us. 

Basic Bible Study Tips to Help You! 

* Pray and ask God to teach you by his word-through the Holy Spirit!

Starting Off: Use a top-down approach
1)      Always remember the big picture of clear cut biblical teaching/theological truth throughout the whole Bible. *New truth/insights should add to/correlate with and not contradict/take away from well established biblical truth.
2)      Always remember the big picture of different dispensations (time period) and how God works with his people (Covenants/Testaments). Find out where this passage falls in the course of biblical history and God’s dealings with humanity.
3)      Get an overview of the book (then chapter) of the Bible that the specific passage is in. What is the over all purpose of the book? What is the theme and emphasis? What style of writing is being used (poetic, narrative etc…)?
4)      Get an overview of the writer. Who wrote the book? When did they write it? Why did they write it? What major events have happened (and may have yet to happen) in the life of the writer? What is the personality of the writer? Why would the writer be writing what he is writing?
5)      Get an overview of the context of the writing. Who was the intended audience of the writings? What was the intended meaning/purpose of the writing/truths mentioned? 

Answer these questions in your study:
What MAIN old/new truths are present here? What FINER truths/applications are here?
What was the intended meaning/purpose of the writing/truths?
How does/what still apply to us today?
How is/would this scenario/application seen today in our modern world? (Analogy) LOOK FOR LIFE APPLICATION. What would this look like today, how does this play out in my life?
Try to avoid seeing added items not originally there (chapter titles, verse division, chapter/paragraph/verse breaks).

Look for repetitions.
Look for and examine similar passages/accounts/teaching on same truths.

DEFINE unknown words and phrases with intended meaning (look up Greek/Hebrew/Aramaic words)
Use multiple versions of the Bible (MES, CEV, NIV, NLT, KJV+)
Read commentaries, Bible study notes on the passage/chapter/book
Take notes while you read, write down observations and questions.

Other Basics 

1)      Get in a small routine, not because you have to, but because it’s BEST for you (for instance; read right when you get out of the shower in the morning or night. Or the same time of day,just because it will remind you and you will have time. (my whole life is a routine, geeze, because I won’t remember to put my contacts in if it wasn’t a routine). 

2)       Make sure you cut out all the distractions. Don’t try to read with music on, TV on, or while instant messaging ... I have become good at reading in a busy room and tuning out things and getting lost in the reading, but a lot of people can’t do that, I can’t do it all the time, it has to be good reading. So cut out all the noise.

3)      Make sure you can see what you are reading, make sure you got some light right on the page…if not you will be more likely to have your mind wander.

4)      Make sure you are alert and awake. Before bed I am ok for a while, but after like 15 mins, it’s pointless. But I usually can get in a good 15 mins.

5)      Read ACTIVELY. This is the most important thing. Take those notes. Ask yourself questions.What I used to do, was print the questions off and have this sheet for my notes and to write the major point or two on the page I printed.
What  truths/principles are present here?
What was the intended meaning/purpose of the writing/truths?
How does/what still apply to us today?
How is/would this scenario/application seen today in our modern world? (Analogy) LOOK FOR LIFE APPLICATION. What would this look like today, how does this play out in my life?
If I were to teach this chapter to someone, what would I want them to know about it?!

*Sounds corny answer questions, but it works and you will learn what you read!

6) Get a version of the Bible that you like! One that makes sense. I highly recommend the NLT (New Living Translation) it is easy to read and understand without loosing meaning and that’s the point of reading (understanding)! I would highly recommend reading your daily/regular reading from a different version that you normally use! If you use the NIV, use something else, because it will just be mundane and like “I know this already”. Switching it up really helps! The NTL Study Bible is awesome, tons of notes and extra information/helps to help break down the text.

Saturday, October 22, 2011

What is God's Will For Me?

1)      You exist (we all exist) to have a special, specific impact on your world. In your area of influence. There are things here on earth, within the Church etc. that God has given specifically for you to do. He created you for them and put you here for them.

 For we are God's workmanship, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do. Eph 2:10

2)      We need to begin to find out specifically what those things are. Until then, we may just be doing what we want to do, or spinning our wheels, while the task God has for us is still out there. I believe whole heatedly that my task right now is working with this Youth Group, and that God prepared it in advance for me to be doing. That is why we were voted in, that is why things are going well and things feel “right”, not because of me, or anything I did, but because God organized it and he has kids here that only we can reach, through his planning. I believe he, himself, already picked the Youth Leaders, knowing their skills, talents, hearts, and knowing what the kids needed and that he called and lead them all to the Youth Group. And I believe he determined that before each of us were born and were saved, as Eph 2:10 says, he prepared good works for us to do, in advance. And he knows the additional leaders that will come our way etc.

3)      I believe a great way to find out what God wants us to do is looking at two things.

a.       God has given us each a unique bent, or a unique set of skills, gifts and abilities, desires, passions: some by birth, others by practice/experience, others by spiritual gifting (either way, they were all given by God). We need to discover those #1.

b.      God is revealing specific, pressing needs in our world, that require our God given skills, gifts, abilities, concern etc. We need to look around our world (Church, Ministries, Lack of Ministries, Area of Influence) and find out those needs, and as they meet our skills and concerns, we have seen an area where I believe God is ASKING and clearly SHOWING us to get involved. There are other areas too that he COMMANDS us all to get involved in eg. Go and Make Disciples, Teaching them to obey all I have commanded you. (Matt 28)  

God's will is where his commands/instruction intersect your God givens skills/talents, your heart-aches and hearts-desires and where there is a clear need for it! Make a list of each, and where they overlap, is where God is clearly calling you to STEP IN! 

I would suggest, prayerfully, making a list of your skills, abilities, desires, attributes, gifting from God. Ones you know you have, others people have told you have, ones you currently use all the time (fill out a spiritual gifts inventory, free online). Then make a list of things that you feel like aren’t getting done, the Church is overlooking, the Youth Team doesn’t have enough time or help for etc. etc. And then begin to prayerfully see where God may be leading you do get involved, create something new. Be sure to talk to all the people involved as well (the pastor, youth pastor, directors, helpers) before springing into action.

But beyond that. I think God wants to use you right where you are at. I would suggest a few things, or pointers to help you see some of those things. 

1)      It is all about 1 on 1 time. How much 1 on 1 time have you had with people (your friends, your kids, your neighbors, your co-workers)? Do you feel like God is asking you to spend more 1 on 1 time with people.

2)      It is all about communication. Are there specific people that you communicate regularly to and specifically too. Not just Hi, and How are you? But diving deeper and seeing where they are really at. Have you ever brought God into the conversation, even if they are a believer. You would be shocked to see how little we all really talk about God and are helping each other grow in God. More often we just talk about the easy things (Tv shows, Movies, Events, Sports, Family).

3)      It is all about living moment by moment, in step with the Spirit. We all want to know what God wants us to do tomorrow, or how he wants to use us in a newer greater way, I think about it daily. But more important than that, he wants our moments, our minutes, our seconds. That is truly fulfilling God’s will for us.

It is like Philip in Acts 8:24-40, he followed the Spirit, moment by moment…. He saw a needthat only his knowledge and abilities could meetand it was with 1 on 1 personal communication and taking someone deeper and BAAM something great happened. All the things I mentioned are in that text! He is the MODEL for DOING GOD'S WILL.

So I would say ask yourself this, daily:

1)      What am I doing TODAY, DAILY and can be doing, to allow God to “transform the way I think”? (What biblical knowledge am I getting to ensure my thinking is transformed to God’s thinking?) (Rom 12:1-2)
2)      What am I doing TODAY and can be doing to fulfill the GREAT COMMISSION?
3)      What am I doing TODAY and can be doing to live out the Great Commands (Love God, Love Others)?
4)      What am I doing TODAY and can be doing to impact my sphere of influence for eternity?
5)      What am I doing TODAY and can be doing to live a life that is a living sacrifice to God, the kind he will find holy, pleasing and acceptable? (Rom 12:1-2)

God's will is where his commands/instruction intersect your God givens skills/talents, your heart-aches and hearts-desires and where there is a clear need for it! Make a list of each, and where they overlap, is where God is clearly calling you to STEP IN! 

‎ASK YOURSELF:"Who can I add value to, today?!