Thursday, November 17, 2011

10 Ways to be Missional Right Where You ARE!

1. Each time you go to your bank, make personal conversations with the tellers and get to know them! Once every 4-5 months bring them in some donuts. You’ll be amazed at how well that will go over! 

2. Join and be a regular at your local gym and go at routine times…more than likely you will see the same faces at the same time of day. Intentionally bike next to someone, start a conversation. Befriend the staff. (Keep it to the same-sex, gyms are dangerous places). 

3. Take a regular stroll at your local park. More than likely you will see families with small kids, other people walking their dog. Immediately you have a common bond…you both change diapers, you both scoop up poop after your dog. :p 

4. Students: Actually attend your school’s Bible Club and turn it into an exciting thing to attend. Study something that is relevant to EVERYONE, not just maturing believers. Be real, open and honest. Be welcoming, be overly nice to new comers. Get a leader/teacher who is enthusiastic, energetic, who loves people and can accurately and effectively teach the Bible. 

5. At Christmas time, or New Years, Easter, Halloween get a small gift for your neighbors, and hand deliver them. Tell them how much you appreciate them, or wish you saw them more. When mowing your lawn, mow your neighbors occasionally out of the blue. When shoveling your snow, shovel your neighbors occasionally as well. Find out and remember your neighbor’s anniversary, birthdays, kids birthdays and do something small on those days for them. 

6. Start attending the local High School sporting events. Ask the families around you who there child is (what number etc), compliment them about their child during a good play. 

7. Check your areas Craigslist for community service needs…and then organize a small group of people from your Church, or sign up your small group to go and assist at the public service need. You can also ask the neighbors on their block if they need specific yard work done etc. and rally your small group/Church to help them. 

8. Frequent the same restaurants. Get to know the staff and servers. Ask a local restaurant owner how you could bless their employees. Be extra generous at Christmas time etc. Ask personal questions about family, jobs, education, interests. Run through open doors with follow up questions when a person admits a struggle, a hurt, pain, or shows excitement about something. 
9. Frequent the same gas station and make an effort to get to know the workers there. Stop a little longer for your Coffee fill up and make a conversation with the cashier or other employees. If your car is like mine, you are at the mechanics all the time for oil changes, tune ups, new brakes, new this and that….get to know your mechanic. Build a relationship with them. These people are starving for relationships, they are under a car all day, covered in oil! It isn’t easy for them. Expect them to be pretty gruff and unsocial. But it is worth it! 
10. Watch sporting events at the same local sports bar/restaurant in your city. You’d be shocked at how many people go out to watch the big sporting events, and/or local sports teams on TV. There is an Official Steelers Sports Bar in almost every major city. You show up every week with a Terrible Towel and you’re instantly friends with 200 people. 

When the friendships have grown in these sphere’s of influence, because of your loving, intentional efforts. Begin to take the friendships to the next level…that is, move them from casual to more personal. Rather than inviting a person to Church, where they will feel awkward, unwelcome, out of place…consider starting a small group just for them and inviting them. Build the group around where they are at in life. Give them a book that is a clear walk through of the Bible, such as ‘The Stranger on the Road to Emmaus.’

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