Friday, November 4, 2011

Top 10 ways to Add Value to Others

1.Ask how someone important to the other person is doing. It
could be a child, a spouse, a family member, even a family pet.
The most sincere way that you can verbally care about someone else is by caring about
who they care about! Doesn't that make sense? When you see someone who has
children it is always a great conversation starter to ask , "How are those wonderful kids
doing?" If you know that someone's dad recently had surgery, go ahead and ask how
the recovery is coming along. 

2. Ask specifically: "Is there anything I can do for you?"You communicate how much you value someone by simply asking the question.
Sometimes it's nice to do something for another person without them asking or
surprising them. But if you're not a good guesser and you don't have psychic abilities,
just ask. Do you need with anything? What I can do to help you? What can I do to help alleviate that in your life?  

3. Spend time with people. Often we communicate a person's
value to us simply because we like hanging out with them, with no agenda.

Time is a precious commodity and a valuable resource. How can you spend this
resource effectively on others? Being the person that someone just
wants to hang out with is an amazing feeling...our free time is truly the only thing that
most of us have to give to another person, and it is the most precious gift of all. Who
do you show their value to by "just hanging out" with them? Who do you need to spend more time with?

4. Remember people’s names.
This is a big deal when dealing with people in ministry, in business, in life. People are very attached to their
name! Nothing makes a person feel valued more than knowing they made enough of
an impression on you for you to remember their name! It helps in the dating world too!

5. Remember people's birthdays, anniversaries, and special
occasions. Send them a note on those dates to let them know you
are sharing in their celebration.

It doesn't matter if a person is 4 or 40, everyone likes to be acknowledged for being
born! If you can make a note in your records of someone's birthday and remember to
send a card or make a surprise phone call on their special day you will surely make
them feel valued! Same goes for life events such as anniversaries and promotions!

6. Strive to be the first to help a person whom you know in need.
Sometimes we can be at the right place, at the right time, for someone who needs our
assistance! You know when those moments happen and you act on them, most of the
time! Keep your eyes and heart open for ways to be helpful in your family and your ministry and

7. When someone asks for your help or assistance with
something, always do a little bit extra. It is the extra that turns
ordinary into extraordinary.
This is called “going the extra mile.” It means we have the opportunity to do
more than is expected of us. It is the “and then some” mindset. Someone asks you to
help them clean their backyard, so you help them clean their backyard and then
some.Someone asks for you to help for 10 mins, you help for 30mins. 
Zig Ziglar said that there “isn ’t much traffic on the extra mile” – not very
many travel there. This is why it shows people how much you value them when you
make the extra effort for them.

8. Send handwritten notes as often as possible. Writing a note
out by hand expresses more of a personal touch and a greater
investment of time.

I keep thank you notes and other small cards in office, in my bedroom, in my kitchen,
this way I can always conveniently jot a note to a special friend! Try to make a habit of
making someone aware of their value to you by personally writing a thank you for
anything they have done for you, been for you etc.
Nothing beats a sincere and physical thank you for making a positive impression.
Email/online thank you messages just don’t have the impact, the weight, of an actual
card or letter. 

9. Offer the unexpected, anonymous gift. Bring coffee to your coworkers. Arrive to work early and leave a small gift on someone's office chair. Leave a gift card on someone's windshield.
I love this is amazing how something as small as cookies, a pie, a book, a magazine etc. will light up 
someone's face. Talk about adding value to their life. You can give things that really can add value, like my personal favorite, a BOOK! 

10. Find out what kinds of hobbies people have, topics they are interest in and send them ideas, brochures, or fliers on that subject. Send them a book that recently blew you away!
If you read an article, a blog, a book etc that really taught you a lot, SEND IT ON TO THEM. Get it for them. Add value by giving them more information, a training experience, more knowledge. If you just recommend the book, the article etc. the odds are about 1-999 that they will go get it on their own. 
When you read a good book, think about who else would benefit from it and invite them to borrow it or purchase a copy for them. Make sure you refer people to books that you've actually read.

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