Sunday, October 23, 2011

How Can I Get More Out of My Bible Study? Tips 101

Everyone knows that personal Bible Study is very important...but it is also a constant struggle for all of us. 

Basic Bible Study Tips to Help You! 

* Pray and ask God to teach you by his word-through the Holy Spirit!

Starting Off: Use a top-down approach
1)      Always remember the big picture of clear cut biblical teaching/theological truth throughout the whole Bible. *New truth/insights should add to/correlate with and not contradict/take away from well established biblical truth.
2)      Always remember the big picture of different dispensations (time period) and how God works with his people (Covenants/Testaments). Find out where this passage falls in the course of biblical history and God’s dealings with humanity.
3)      Get an overview of the book (then chapter) of the Bible that the specific passage is in. What is the over all purpose of the book? What is the theme and emphasis? What style of writing is being used (poetic, narrative etc…)?
4)      Get an overview of the writer. Who wrote the book? When did they write it? Why did they write it? What major events have happened (and may have yet to happen) in the life of the writer? What is the personality of the writer? Why would the writer be writing what he is writing?
5)      Get an overview of the context of the writing. Who was the intended audience of the writings? What was the intended meaning/purpose of the writing/truths mentioned? 

Answer these questions in your study:
What MAIN old/new truths are present here? What FINER truths/applications are here?
What was the intended meaning/purpose of the writing/truths?
How does/what still apply to us today?
How is/would this scenario/application seen today in our modern world? (Analogy) LOOK FOR LIFE APPLICATION. What would this look like today, how does this play out in my life?
Try to avoid seeing added items not originally there (chapter titles, verse division, chapter/paragraph/verse breaks).

Look for repetitions.
Look for and examine similar passages/accounts/teaching on same truths.

DEFINE unknown words and phrases with intended meaning (look up Greek/Hebrew/Aramaic words)
Use multiple versions of the Bible (MES, CEV, NIV, NLT, KJV+)
Read commentaries, Bible study notes on the passage/chapter/book
Take notes while you read, write down observations and questions.

Other Basics 

1)      Get in a small routine, not because you have to, but because it’s BEST for you (for instance; read right when you get out of the shower in the morning or night. Or the same time of day,just because it will remind you and you will have time. (my whole life is a routine, geeze, because I won’t remember to put my contacts in if it wasn’t a routine). 

2)       Make sure you cut out all the distractions. Don’t try to read with music on, TV on, or while instant messaging ... I have become good at reading in a busy room and tuning out things and getting lost in the reading, but a lot of people can’t do that, I can’t do it all the time, it has to be good reading. So cut out all the noise.

3)      Make sure you can see what you are reading, make sure you got some light right on the page…if not you will be more likely to have your mind wander.

4)      Make sure you are alert and awake. Before bed I am ok for a while, but after like 15 mins, it’s pointless. But I usually can get in a good 15 mins.

5)      Read ACTIVELY. This is the most important thing. Take those notes. Ask yourself questions.What I used to do, was print the questions off and have this sheet for my notes and to write the major point or two on the page I printed.
What  truths/principles are present here?
What was the intended meaning/purpose of the writing/truths?
How does/what still apply to us today?
How is/would this scenario/application seen today in our modern world? (Analogy) LOOK FOR LIFE APPLICATION. What would this look like today, how does this play out in my life?
If I were to teach this chapter to someone, what would I want them to know about it?!

*Sounds corny answer questions, but it works and you will learn what you read!

6) Get a version of the Bible that you like! One that makes sense. I highly recommend the NLT (New Living Translation) it is easy to read and understand without loosing meaning and that’s the point of reading (understanding)! I would highly recommend reading your daily/regular reading from a different version that you normally use! If you use the NIV, use something else, because it will just be mundane and like “I know this already”. Switching it up really helps! The NTL Study Bible is awesome, tons of notes and extra information/helps to help break down the text.

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