I recently read a great article about “10 ways to ruin your life in your 20’s”.
Some of you may have also read it. It was very good, but I think it was
missing some items…here is an amended version called...
10 ways to stagger your spiritual life in your 20’s and 30’s. I
wrote it in preparation for our small group. Let me preface by saying
that I do not do any of these well and all of them apply BIG TIME to
me...so don't be hatin'. I know which ones are our weak points, because
they are my weak points.
1. Believe that the Bible can be compartmentalized.
all do it. We read the Bible and we pick and choose the things that we
want to apply to us and the things that we do not want to apply to us.
Most likely we do this subconsciously without even really thinking about
it. I know I do! It goes something like this: ‘Those verses about
‘personal holiness’ ‘giving’ ‘prayer’ ‘world wide missions’ well those
are for the really mature Christians…or ‘God understands my difficult
situation and why I just can’t do that…’ God wants ALL OF US to be holy,
to pray, to give and to be sold out for world missions and to apply all
of scripture, in correct context, to our lives.
“All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness…” 2 Tim 3:16
2. Jesus doesn’t expect radical commitment.
second is much like the first, and may actually be the biggest
spiritual problem in our American Christian sub-culture. That is;
believing that Jesus doesn’t really call for radical commitment…and
casual or lukewarm Christianity is ‘ok’. The truth is, it’s not ok. Quit lying to yourself.
are many radical statements in the gospels. Statements not made by the
zealous Paul or the over-promising Peter…statements made by Jesus…the
guy that you’re banking your eternity on. Statements like “If anyone
would come after me, he must deny himself and take up his cross daily
and follow me.” Or “whoever is ashamed of me and of my words in this
adulterous and sinful generation, of him will the Son of Man also be
ashamed when he comes in the glory of his Father” Or “Let the dead bury
their own dead, but you go and proclaim the kingdom of God.”
says he will spew the lukewarm out of his mouth(Rev 3:16)…and oh, how
often am I so very lukewarm…because I think that half-hearted
discipleship is ok…and it isn’t.
cannot be my disciple, unless you love me more than you love your father
and mother, your wife and children, and your brothers and sisters. You
cannot come with me unless you love me more than you love your own
life.” Luke 9:26
3. Live outside your means.
you spend more than you can afford, you still have to pay for it—plus
interest. By living the “good life” now, you ensure you’ll be living the
bad life of debt payments, downsizing, financial worries, and
delayed/nonexistent retirement in your future decades. A similar problem
is failing to save or prepare for a crisis or disaster…whether it be a
savings account, an emergency fund or additional insurance.
biggest two areas that I see my generation regularly over spending on
is ‘too much house’ and ‘too nice of cars’. The second is devastating
because of the devaluation over time. Many people feel like they need to
do #3 (buy a new car (or house)over their budget…to prepare for #10…the
‘god-baby’ on the way).
The rich rule over the poor, and the borrower is slave to the lender. – Proverbs 22:7
4. Feed an addiction.
it is alcohol, food, money, drugs,pornography, shopping, or whatever,
it seems like most people have an addiction of some kind. These
addictions bring death: either literal death, or death to relationships,
to freedom, and to joy.
How do addictions happen? You
feed them: it takes repetition, just like exercise. The more you do a
thing, the stronger the addiction grows, and the harder it is to stop
doing it. Stop now; it will only be harder with “one last time.”
go hand in hand with #3…trust me,I have addictions…and many of them
cost money. Even simple addictions like coffee, clothing or comforts…and
the more addictions the more chance of living outside of your means
(and more footing for the enemy).
The righteousness of the upright delivers them, but the unfaithful are trapped by evil desires. – Proverbs 11:6
5. Run with fools.
you are becoming who you hang around with. It’s been said you are the
average of the five people you spend the most time with. You do what
they do (because you’re doing it together), you pick upon their ideas
and beliefs, and you even learn their mannerisms and language.Make a
list of your five closest friends…and see what you look like.
you hang around with idiots, or addicts,or criminals, that’s what you
will become. But if you hang around with wise people, who are committed
to following Christ and to making a difference with their lives, then
that is what you’ll become.
Jesus does want us to
love the world, and win the world…including all kinds of foolish,
depraved, dirty people…but he doesn’t want us to be won by them.
that get’s lost in this is that the same is true for the Christians
that you hang out with. If your five closest Christian friends are
lukewarm and are doing much of the things on this list often things…you
will soon be lukewarm and doing the same.
Walk with the wise and become wise, for a companion of fools suffers harm. – Proverbs 13:20
5. Find your value in earthly relationships.
often we define ourselves by what we have,what we look like and have
accomplished…but most often I think we find our value in our
relationships ‘who’s with me’. I have found that this is a much bigger
struggle for women, than men (but it still happens for us guys, I
know,I’ve struggled with it). Often woman base their entire identity,
happiness and security on their significant other (boyfriend, fiancé,
And what happens is, those people will
always, always let us down in some way or another. Our value must be
found in Christ. Our value must be found in what God has declared to be
true about us…not what we have, what we have done…or who is with us. Why
this could ‘ruin your life’ is because you could spend a lot of time,
emotion, money and energy etc.chasing the wrong people and wrong
relationships because of a false sense of security you get from their
presence in your life…meanwhile, God is on the back-burner of your life
and all those resources could've be and should've been poured into
pursuing him.
Above all else, guard your heart, for everything you do flows from it. – Proverbs 4:23
6. Tolerate evil.
probably heard the quote: “The only thing necessary for evil to prevail
is for good people to do nothing.” Well,it’s true. Because there is
evil in the world, actively seeking to destroy others, and if nobody
opposes those actions they will succeed. And then eventually you’ll be
the target.
“Tolerance” is a big word right now. Some
promote ideas of genocide or infanticide, or argue that they should be
able to sleep with whomever they feel like. God does not tolerate sin;
He paid for it.Stand against evil, or one day there may be no one left
to stand for you. God rewards (in this life and the next) those who
stand against evil, even if no one else takes notice, or if it appears
to be of no avail.
This should include ‘not
standing against things that are not beneficial.’ Follow me on the
double-negative. "I have the right to do anything," you say--but not
everything is beneficial."I have the right to do anything"--but not
everything is constructive.” 1 Cor 10:23
hear of Christians who have alcohol at their Bible Studies in the ‘name
of cool’ or ‘we don’t want to appear to be legalistic’. I love beer…I
will come out and say it. I love the flavor; I love all kinds of beers.
As believers we are allowed to consume in moderation,privacy etc. etc.
But just because something isn’t evil/wrong doesn’t mean that it is
beneficial, or always beneficial in every situation. We do the same
thing with movies, music, friends, etc. Don’t tolerate evil…but also
don’t tolerate things that are just bad ideas and are very unbeneficial.
To fear the Lord is to hate evil; I hate pride and arrogance, evil behavior and perverse speech. Proverbs 8:13
7. Make secondary things ultimate and ultimate things secondary.
an outsider were to observe how you spend your time and resources, what
would they end up saying your life is about?Making money? Looking good?
Fantasy football? Would they say you worship God,or worship that
60-inch HD TV?
There is nothing wrong with
working, or working out, or having hobbies, or being interested in the
opposite sex. Those are all good things, if you don’t go
overboard and make them the focus of your life. They are all secondary,
the side dishes of an eternal life. God is ultimate, is the very reason
you are here, and is the only one of those things that will last
forever. This is why #10 is such a problem.
generation, myself included, store up way too many treasures on
earth...and not in heaven. Another problem (in relationship to #7 and
#10) is that we make taking pictures of our kids and tracking their
development such a priority...but oh, how few parents teach their kids
the Bible regularly. We are making primary things (teaching them about
God) secondary and making secondary things (art, soccer, dance, their
comfort) primary.
“Woe to you, teachers of the law and Pharisees, you hypocrites! You give a tenth of your spices--mint, dill and cumin. But you have neglected the more important matters of the law--justice, mercy and faithfulness. You should have practiced the latter, without neglecting the former.” Matthew 23:23
8. Believe that this life is all about you.
You are one of seven billion people alive currently, and though you are
special, so is each of the other6,999,999,999—(and most of them live
and die outside of the gospel...all the while we are sipping coffee, and
taking picture of our kids, living beyond our means).
You are not the star of this show. You have a cameo that will be forgotten as soon as the screen changes.
who become the biggest thing in their world are dysfunctional. They
have a skewed view. They will always end up either disappointed or
delusional. And when they go, their world disappears;they don’t actually
leave any impact.
If you do want to be important and
make a difference, live for God. Resolve to give your life away for
something bigger,and make an impact on the people around you.
Pride goes before destruction, a haughty spirit before a fall. – Proverbs 16:18
9. Live for immediate gratification.
nothing truly worthwhile comes quickly.It takes time and discipline to
become an Olympic athlete, or to simply get in shape; to get a degree,
or become a great husband or wife. And any of the things you truly want
long-term can be derailed by indulging yourself in the moment.
you want an amazing marriage, or just one amazing night? Do you want to
retire in 36 years, or drive a luxury car for the next 36 months?
Because in each case, choosing the latter makes it more difficult (or
impossible) to have the former.
The wise store up choice food and olive oil, but fools gulp theirs down. – Proverbs 21:20
Make your children your god. (Caution,this one may make you very
mad…and if it does…it is probably because you struggle with it.)
all have the tendency to make an idol of just about anything. That is
because we were made to worship. We have an innate,God given desire to
place our desires, emotions, awe, time, resources, and energy at the
feet of the thing(s) that we desire most. Now, God wants to be that
thing that we desire most and that we put everything under—and we were
made to worship him. And life will never make sense or be full
satisfying until we do. But, very often, many other things occupy that
space in our heart.
The greatest new stumbling
block among my generation is making our children our god. You can see it
everywhere. Young couples can’t go to Church or sit in Church because
‘little Johnny’ just can’t sit still or ‘he doesn’t like the nursery
Young couples can’t afford to tithe or
give money to worthy causes…but they can buy expensive Baby Bjorn &
Carters etc!Or are too high and mighty to have their kids wear used
Just watch on Facebook. Some of the rooms we are
decorating for our kids look more like shrines than anything else…these
parents are making way for their new little god to arrive.
document every second, every moment of our kid’s existence. “Here is
‘baby Sue’ she’s the size of a pea, now a marble, now a tomato”…“here’s
how my belly looks today, in case you forgot from yesterday.”These
things are ok, to an extent. But do we document our Bible reading this
intense? Do we document our prayers and answer to prayers? Heck, do we
even read the Bible or pray with the same fervor or with the same amount
of time?
Yes! Our family and our kids are a high priority. But they are NOT FIRST! GOD IS! Or should be.
“You must not have any other god but me.” Exodus 20:3